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The Sacral Chakra: Seat of Emotions, Sexuality and Fertility


The seven main chakras are considered to be vortices of energy which exist in and around humans. The concept of chakra is based on Indian medicine which teaches that these force centers permeate from energy centers at various points on the human body. These areas are the crown of the head, middle of forehead, throat, solar plexus, lower spine, heart and lower stomach area. This chakra, located two inches below the navel, is the sacral chakra, which is connected to a large number of body organs and relates to many emotional and physical relationships within the human body.

Areas That the Sacral Chakra Controls

The sacra chakra is located in the lower stomach over the pubic bone area. As it relates to the physical body, the sacral chakra controls the stomach, upper intestines, kidneys, pancreas and gall bladder among other organs. Both male and female sexual organs are related to the sacral chakra as well as the adrenal glands, middle spine and adrenal glands and hormonal secretion.

Sacral Chakra’s Effect on Sexuality and Fertility

The sacral chakra plays a part in how the emotions work and the area within the brain’s function that deals with areas such as control, addiction and sexuality. In this capacity it can affect a person’s ability to make decisions in sexual relationships such as power and creativity. Because this chakra is connected with the ovaries and testes, sexual desire lies within its energy. The bodily secretions of both males and females, including semen and urine are controlled by the sacral chakra. It is directly related to the reproductive system and can increase fertility when properly in balance.

A problem in the sacral chakra is said to result in sexual dysfunction and physical aliments in men and women. In men, impotency, low sperm count, premature ejaculation and diseases of the prostate and testes such as cancer are reported conditions related to a blocked sacral chakra. Women with this condition can experience low or extremely high sex drives, infertility, menstrual irregularities including clotting and pain, miscarriage, fibroid tumors and ovarian cysts and cancers. For both genders, low back pain, chronic disc degeneration and inflammation manifest when there is an imbalance in the sacral chakra.

Names and Description

There are several names for the sacral chakra. Svadhisthana, which means sweetness, and adhishthana are other names used for the sacral chakra.  In Tibetan Buddhism, the location of the sacral chakra is known as the secret place wheel. The symbol of the sacral chakra is a white lotus inside of a crescent moon. The symbol has six petals. The animal that is associated with this chakra is the crocodile of Varuna, which was said to be a god of all forms of water in Hindu mythology.

Meaning of Sacral Sacra Color

The color orange or red orange is associated with the sacral chakra. Its color is compared to a sunset or a ripe orange fruit. This color is said to have several psycho spiritual connotations as it relates to relationships and sexuality. The color orange ties in with the amount of self respect that a person gives or receives. It deals with setting boundaries and respecting the boundaries of other people as well as the ability to practice a give and take mentality in sexual relationships. The sacral chakra surrounds issues such as violence, additions and pleasure that can be directly relate to both physical and spiritual joy.

The Sacral Chakra and Emotional Issues

Because the sacral chakra teaches a person to make their own reality, emotions such as love, hate and fear can be affected by its condition. At its ultimate potential, the sacral chakra enables a feeling of security in sexuality and relationships. Blame, guilt, morality, power and control are all influenced by the sacral chakra. Feelings such as anger, fear and joy are stored inside the sacral chakra.

Dual Aspects of the Sacral Chakra

While the chakra holds the key to several areas of positive energy within the body, it does have its negative aspects as well. Positive sides of t this chakra and its corresponding color includes sociability, creativity and independence. Conversely, the chakra and its color also can present destructiveness, despondency, withdrawal and an over dependent character in some people.

Learn more about your swadhisthana (sacral) chakra and solar manipura (solar plexus) chakra

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